Companions trip to the bat conservancy Sabbath - The second to the last day of Camporee was Sabbath. Everybody marched in the Pathfinder parade on their way to church. The sermon was about Jesus feeding the 5,000 and how, if we give our little bit of talent to God, He can make it into something way bigger. Many people let Jesus enter their heart and were baptized. Later, after the baptisms, I went to the zoo where there were bears, monkeys, llamas, alpacas, a tiger, a lion, and two hawks. My great day ended with an excellent fireworks show. Baptism - Around April of last year I decided I wanted to get baptized at Camp Kulaqua in Florida by Pastor Dale Tunnell, Sr. I wanted to get baptized at Camp Kulaqua because I’ve grown up with Pathfinders and feel it is special. It was hard deciding who I wanted to baptize me. I chose Pastor Tunnell, Sr. because I grew up in his church and was close to him. Twenty-three Pathfinders chose to be baptized at the Camporee. Three were baptized in the spring and twenty, which included Rebekah, were baptized in the wave pool at Kulaqua’s River Ranch water park. Companions trip to the bat conservancy