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Bible Bowl Info

Crafts | Songs | Story Themes | Health Talks



Old Man Noah had an Ark (Sung to Old McDonald had a farm). 
It’s fun if there are a number of animal puppets to be used as props.
Have the children make the animal sounds when the puppet is shown. 
If no puppets are available use animal pictures.  Different cultures use
different sounds for animals and it is interesting to hear how they say


The Animals Came A-Walking


God Made the Beautiful Rainbow (Hand out ribbon rainbows)


Arky, Arky Song (Sung to Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory)

1.  Animal Parade - Using the paper plates that have the animal faces on them. Ahead of time drill  1” holes for the eyes. Then each child would be given one on the day when the animals go marching into the ark, they would walk around pretending to be animals going in the ark. Sing the song "The Animals Came a Walking".

During one program we had a large group in a small room, so we had the story teller lead the group out of the room around the school and then divided up for their crafts.

Supplies - animals face paper plates with holes for eyes cut out. They could be glued onto a tongue depressors if you want.

Here are children from a VBS in Kenya, Africa from the Maasi tribe.

These children were at a VBS in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2. Rainbows – attach 7 colors of ribbon (inexpensive curling type ribbon) to a drinking straw by stapling or taping (tie the strands of ribbon together before stapling). The children would wave them around when singing the song “God Made the Beautiful Rainbow” on the last day. Staff would put them together ahead of time.

Supplies – straws, 12-18” per straw of curling ribbon

Curling ribbon – Red, Blue, Violet, Yellow, Orange, Green, Indigo (I use light purple) (FYI – large rolls have 500 yds. of ribbon)

Maasi children waving their ribbon rainbows in Kenya, Africa


Noah and the Ark - 5-day sample schedule
(each day should take about 1 hour)

Schedule - Day 1

Song Service

Noah Story - day 1
·        God creates perfect earth
·        People become wicked
·        God talks to Noah
·        Noah and sons build ark

Nature Nugget (optional)

Health Talk – Clean body (soap)

Coloring Page – Noah with ark plans

Craft – Fold Ark or
         Tissue Paper butterfly


Day 2

Song Service

Noah Story - part 2
·        Noah and his sons continue to build the ark.
·        Noah preaches and talks people
·        Animals go into ark  (Give children animal face masks and have them walk into “ark” – if possible get the masks from the children and use them tomorrow)

Nature Nugget (optional)

Health Talk – Clean teeth (toothbrushes)

Coloring Page – Noah preaching to people

Craft – Sheep (glue cotton balls onto sheep coloring page)


Day 3

Song Service

Noah Story - part 3
·        Continue animals going into ark
·        Noah and family go into ark
·        Angel shuts the door
·        Rain starts
·        Wicked people want in

Nature Nugget (optional) 

Health Talk – Clean hands or head (soap or shampoo) 

Coloring Page – Animals going into ark

Craft – Paper bag Giraffe puppet

 Day 4

Song Service

Noah Story - part 4
·        Rains for 40 days and covers earth
·        Ark floats
·        Rain stops
·        Noah sends out bird
·        Noah sends out dove – comes back with olive branch
·        Noah sends out dove and it doesn’t come back

Nature Nugget (optional)

Health Talk – Drink plenty of water

Coloring Page – Ark and Dove

Craft – Dove from drawing around children’s hand


Day 5

 Song Service

Noah Story - part 5
·        Ark rests on Ararat
·        Angel opens door
·        Noah gives thanks
·        God sends rainbow

Sing song – “God made the beautiful Rainbow” – hand out straw rainbow

Nature Nugget (optional)

Health Talk – Environment /Ecology /Recycle - God made this world for us and he made us above all other animals (most intelligent) so that we could be the 'caretakers' of it while we are here. I showed a little picture book of how the God recycles too - w/ rain & weather and trees composting forests etc. Talk about appreciating God for all the animals he created and how we are to love and protect them. They are important to our survival and improvement of the world, too. This may be good since they have such wonderful land and animals. I appropriate at the end have them actually help pick up trash.

 Coloring Page – Animals with rainbow

Craft – Flying Macaw


Karen Reed
Copyright © 2000-2010, Karen Reed. All rights reserved.