Knot Tying | Kites | Geocaching | Hiking | Camping Honors | Dutch Oven Cooking
Honor Requirements
A definition for the word "Hike" is:
A Walk with a Purpose.
Several of the classes have requirements that have
hiking requirements. These also meet requirements for the hiking honor. So
keep track of the hikes your Pathfinders take over several years. They may
earn the hiking honor without even realizing it.
Dayhiker's Checklist
Before you hit the trail, take the time to make sure
you've included the items on the following list to make your trip safer
and more enjoyable.
The following list is designed to help equip hikers just starting out. You
will probably develop your own checklist as you gain experience.
| Carry your clothing and food in different colored
stuff sacks to keep your pack
organized so you can easily find what you need. |
| Always carry plenty of water. Three quarts per person
per day is a good rule
of thumb. Warmer conditions and/or rugged terrain may necessitate
more. Take drinks often to stay well hydrated. Filter or treat water
natural sources. |
| Fill your canteens before you leave home. It is
better to be prepared than
to rely on backcountry water sources. |
| Carry more food than you think you will need. It is
better to bring extra
snacks home with you than to go hungry. |
| Practice minimum impact hiking. Carry out whatever
you pack in so others
can enjoy the surroundings. If you can, help pick up what previous
may have left behind. |
| When you choose a hike, consider the ability levels
of all members of your party. |
| Hike only as fast as the slowest member of your
group. |
| Acquaint yourself with the area and specific trail(s)
you plan to hike so you
can set a reasonable timetable for your hike. Many guidebooks include
estimated times of trips. |
| Start off slowly to avoid excess fatigue part way
through your hike. |
| Make sure your vehicle is in good running order and
your gas tank is full. |
| Check weather conditions before you leave.
| Leave your itinerary with someone you trust and check
in upon your return. |