Blood & Body Answers

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Blood and Body Answers

(Still working on the answers, but here are some links
that may help answer some of the questions.)

1. Have the Microscopic Life Honor.

2.  Name the two major constituents of blood.  What is the percentage of each in normal blood?

Kids Health - Complete Blood Count

3.  Be able to draw pictures of and name the 7 types of blood cells and indicate what each type does.


    Cells of the Blood

bullet red blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes
bullet platelets or thrombocytes
bulletfive kinds of white blood cells (WBCs) or leukocytes
bulletThree kinds of granulocytes
bullet neutrophils
bullet eosinophils
bullet basophils
bulletTwo kinds of leukocytes without granules in their cytoplasm
bullet lymphocytes
bullet monocytes

4.  Observe some preserved human blood under a microscope.  Count 100 white blood cells and draw a graph showing the number of each of the five types of white blood cells that you found.  What type is most common. Which is the least common?

Kids Health - White Blood Cells
Kids Health - Red Blood Cells

5.  Do at least one of the following and report on what you observed:

  1. Observe blood being drawn from from someone's arm by a medical professional.

  2. With the help of an experienced person, observe blood flowing through some capillaries (either on video tape, or in a living organism (such as hamster cheek-pouch, frog skin, or goldfish tail) using a microscope).

  3. Visit a medical laboratory where blood tests are performed.

  4. Visit a blood bank.

6.  What two gases are transported by the red blood cells?  Explain why blood appears blue/green in your veins but if you cut yourself, the blood that comes out is bright red.  Explain why a lack of iron in your diet might make you have yellowish-colored blood.

Kids Health - Complete Blood Count

7.  Explain how blood clots when you are injured.  How does typical "First Aid" help in this process?

8.  What does it mean to be a blood donor?  If possible, know your own blood type.  What types of blood can be donated to you?  What blood types cannot be donated to you?  Why?

KidsHealth - Blood Type
KidsHealth - Blood Bank

9.  Tell two stories in the Bible in which blood is involved.  From what you know about blood, why do you think that the Bible uses blood as a symbol of God's saving power?

Mathew 27:25
Hebrews 10:29
1 John 1:7
Ephesians 1:7
Col 1:14
1 Peter 1:19

10.  List 10 specific health habits that can help your body stay healthy and fight off infection.  Find a reference from the Spirit of Prophesy that supports each one of these.  Keep a record for three weeks of how often you repeat these 10 habits.

The Human Body - The Immune System

11.  Define the following terms relating to the body's defenses: immunology, pathogen, inflammation, antibody, memory cells, immunity, vaccine, allergy, histamine, and antihistamine.

12.  Poison Ivy and poison Oak are plants commonly encountered by active Pathfinders.  Be able to identify Poison and Poison Oak and know how to avoid having allergic reactions to them, and explain what to do if you get an allergic reaction to either.

13.  Make a list of as many as possible of the infectious diseases that you have had.  Which ones are you now immune to?  Explain why or why not.

14.  From your medical records, list all the vaccines that you have had and determine from your doctor when your next vaccination should be.

15.  Write or tell about one infectious disease (at least 250 words).

16.  What is AIDS?  How is it spread?  Is there a cure?  Why is it so devastating?

Kids Health - How do People Get AIDS?

17.  Find three biblical references that have to do with cleanliness and the control of or spread of disease.

Karen Reed
Copyright © 2000-2010, Karen Reed. All rights reserved.